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Version 3.1.11

Momo the Monster
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Starting with this version, we will no longer be releasing the legacy .unitypackage files that extract into your Assets folder. This page will serve as a changelog for the SDK moving forward!


Adds Remote String Loading, Remote Image Loading, MIDI Playback, and Simulation Time!

New Features

Bug Fixes

UdonBehaviour Inspector With Warning

  • The Unity Inspector for UdonBehaviours will now detect missing VRCUrlInputField variables and offer to reload the SDK in case this component did not load correctly. Closes this Canny. (This is a known issue, will be fixed when we can upgrade to Unity 2020 or newer.)
  • Fixes duplication of FX layer in Avatar Descriptor when switching rig from generic to humanoid.
  • Fixes issue where Unity gets stuck infinitely reloading assemblies.
  • Clamps the number of clients you can Build & Test from the SDK Window to a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 8.

Other Changes

  • Adds MidiPlaybackExampleScene.scene and related assets to demonstrate Midi Playback.
  • Adds a simple Remote Image Loader to the UdonExampleScene.scene.
  • Speeds up loading of Udon Programs.
  • Removes old SDK updater window.

Known Issues

  • If you change the midi track in a Midi Player while the visualizer is open, the visualizer doesn’t update to the new track until it is closed and then reopened.